When you make the decision to take on a new responsibility and add to your family it is so exciting. You're gettin a puppy! You are just so in love with the idea that you can't see past the puppy dream. This idea is so fully of happiness, cute little puppies. Puppy kisses. Puppy cries. Puppy love. All so wonderful. Our puppy was not a planned puppy she was a" sometimes life gives you a surprise" kinda pup the best kind!! We did not discuss it with The Boys in fact on Tuesday night I brought Cocoa home a little before 9:00pm (bedtime). Surprise. I've never heard The Boys so full of Thank Yous :)
Since the first day there has been some puppy drama, cries, accidents, but there has been love, responsibility, kisses and cuddles. She is so worth it~all of it.
Some people think I'm crazy. Why a Jack Russel they are so hyper. I say why not. My life is busy, sometimes it's filled with the best kind of organized chaos. I say Cocoa will fit right in!! She is doing a great job telling us when she needs to go out and The Boys are helping out with walks, feedings, and playtime. Tyler even slept downstairs on the couch so Cocoa wouldn't cry. She has to have someone in the same room with her or she starts to cry, and at bedtime Tyler gets upset when he hears Cocoas cries. She is a puppy so I have to go out with her in the middle of the night and I find myself in bed awake anticipating her cries. I go as fast as I can down the stairs so she doesn't wake anyone in the house. She enjoys being outside, but she seems as equally excited to come back in. I love that ! Yes we have a puppy her name is Cocoa and we love her!! I think she loves us too ♥
She is SOOO cute! Congrats on the new addition!!!